Montana Colleges That Spend More Than Dartmouth

Two Montana colleges spend more per degree than Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.

Dartmouth College spends $292,000[1] per degree.

Stone Child College in Box Elder, Montana, spends $294,000 per degree. It’s a 2-year college.

Chief Dull Knife College, in Lame Deer, Montana, spends $309,000 per degree. It’s also a 2-year college.

The predominant degree produced at Chief Dull Knife is General Studies[2]. Stone Child degrees earned include Early Childhood Education and Native American Studies. Dartmouth grads earned degrees[3] in engineering science, mathematics and neuroscience. Some earned master’s and doctorate level degrees.

Stone Child library





Stone Child library

Dull Knife campus










Dull Knife campus



One Response

  1. Your title is misleading Tom. These small schools clearly do not spend more than Dartmouth. It’s the division that keeps tripping you up; the “per” in the per student. These tribal colleges cost a lot “per student” because there are so few students. (In the same way, we have more governor per person in Montana than they do in California. We have fewer governor per cow.) Many of these students are place-bound, so we need to bring the school to them. That is expensive, but it is the right thing to do. Your house is parked on land that once belonged to their forefathers.

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